Welcome to our first blog post! I guess I should use this one to get the introductions out of the way. Any of you who are regulars in the stand know most of the family by now. But, if you are unfamiliar with us let me introduce myself and the rest of the family.
My name is Maggie LaPrise and I am the youngest of my four siblings. The farm is named EMMA Acres because “EMMA” stands for our first initials of each of our names: Elizabeth, Matthew, Maggie, and Alexandra. My dad goes by the unforgettable name of Scooter and my mom, the unsung hero of the family is Cynthia.
If just the 6 of us did not complicate it enough, now I am an auntie of 6 and have two in-laws. My oldest sister Elizabeth is married to Ben and has two wonderful kids, Henry (2yr) and Ella (1 month). Matthew is married to Tiana and also has two kids, Lillian (almost 3yr) and Matt jr (1yr). Alex and Troy have two daughters Reagan (4yr) and Ruby (almost 1yr). As you can tell our family has grown quickly.
I am over here enjoying my 20s, being the best auntie I can for these kids and being a dog mama of two. I work full time on the farm you will most likely see me in the stand behind the counter typing away working on school work. Or caring for the 70+ animals we have on the farm. These cows are my livelihood and my passion.
I look forward to continuing this journey of blogging with you! Leave comments on what you want to read about!